Some News

Recently, I haven’t posting as much as I did last month.

There are a lot of things that have been bothering me for the past few weeks and I can’t concentrate properly. I am supposed to post an entry two nights ago, but due to the aforementioned problem, I can’t seem to finish it well. Therefore, I’ll be posting entries here a little less often. About once every two weeks, until things are sorted out.

Sorry about that.

As soon as I’m okay, I’ll resume regular programming.

Meanwhile, enjoy this (angry) track from Everclear.

If I Had Done Nothing…

A bit of a throwback here.

Three years later, this is still a valid question.

But really, how can anyone know if things would really be better if they did nothing?

At best, this would just be an accurate speculation of how things could’ve been.

A Sudden Rush of Thoughts

“What worse awareness is there than to know there would have been a better outcome if you’d never done anything at all?”

– Hannes Graff, Setting Free The Bears (a novel by John Irving)

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Meine Sommer-Playlist (9)

It’s that time of the year again, where the searing heat makes you want to hog all the airconditioners and fans around you.

So here are some tracks to break the summer monotony.

All songs are 2015 releases unless otherwise indicated.

1. Dead Inside by Muse

2. ‘Cause I’m A Man by Tame Impala

3. In The Summer by IAMDYNAMITE

4. Dream Lover by The Vaccines

5. Emoticons by The Wombats

Stay tuned for more! :)


(Creepy chorus and theme aside, this sometimes…happens.)

It’s only just a crush, it’ll go away
It’s just like all the others it’ll go away
Or maybe this is danger and you just don’t know
You pray it all away but it continues to grow…

– She Wants Revenge, Tear You Apart

So, This Is It

Fortunately, I wouldn’t have to do this. (via xkcd)

So, the last semester of my college life has arrived. After years of delays, I can now see myself done with my thesis at the end of this semester (in December).

Of course I still have a lot to do, but it’s near. I can feel it.

Pray for me, will you?


A poem written by a good friend of mine, (who wants to be called) Christopher Santillan.

Reblogged this poem, because I can totally relate to this one.

EDIT: Since it came from a blog that used white font color, and can’t be read here, so click here to read the whole poem.