Morning Dream

I saw you sit beside me.
For a millisecond,
we looked
at each other’s eyes.
At that instant,
imagining things,
wondering possibilities
of me and you.
How things
could get so good
between us!
But no,
we’re just strangers,
that met
on this morning commute,
after which
we’ll forget
that this ever happened.

Part 2: Clarity

Note: This is the second part of the “compiled version” of a semifictional story I told over a series of tweets over my Twitter last Valentine’s weekend. I didn’t expect that the compiled version would be too long, so I decided to split them into two. There will be some edits so as to bridge possible gaps. Previous part can be found here.

She was silent for a while.

“It was bound to happen,” she said. She then looked at me. “You did nothing, I did nothing.”

“We could try to fix this,” I said.

“No,” she said, starting to stand up. “It’s too…late now. I’m sorry.”

“I’m really sorry,” she continued, looking down. “Perhaps it didn’t really mean to work out.”

I stood up, teary-eyed.

“I love you X, you know?” I said. “If–“

“Yes, I knew!” she said, cutting me off. “I’m sorry, but you must understand that the both of us aren’t ready for something like this. We were always distant physically and emotionally. We didn’t had enough time to be together. We don’t even get to talk. The distance…killed this relationship.”

“Very well,” I said, wiping off my tears, “if this is what you want then…I guess I’ll accept it.” We then hugged each other.

A couple of months later, I’ve learned that X and G ended up being bf/gf. It was painful at first, but later I learned to accept it wholeheartedly and move on.

Part 1: Chill

Note: This is the “compiled version” of a semifictional story I told over a series of tweets over my Twitter last Valentine’s weekend. This will be split into two parts, as the resulting story was too long for a single post. There will be some differences however, as I will add stuff here that wasn’t possible to put in Twitter (to prevent tweets from getting too long) or edit out some stuff (grammar, spelling).

It was a December afternoon. I was in my dorm, waiting for my…friend.

I kept pacing around in my room, waiting for her text. My phone beeped. Finally. “We’re outside the dorm :),” her text said.

I went outside. I was greeted by X and her best friend Z. However, with them was another guy, G. I knew them all since high school, with X being one of my classmates in my 3rd year.

I approached X and hugged her. “I missed you.” I said. She smiled. “So did I,” she whispered to my ear.

Yet, something felt wrong.

To begin with, we didn’t consider ourselves as being in a serious relationship. It was more of, “why don’t we try and see if it works” kind of thing. Didn’t like it at first, but soon I was enjoying it.

I always love her hugs, always warm and comforting.

But not this one.

I laid my doubts to rest as we walked and watched the parade that night. The four of us had a good time. X was all smiles and laughs. Yet, she seemed preoccupied.

Nearing the end of the parade, I noticed X was a little warmer to G than to me.

And it continued during the bus ride late that evening. I didn’t know if I should be worried or not. Yet, I though to myself that G and X were close friends back in high school.

Two weeks later, and she went colder and colder towards me. She didn’t answered my personal messages nor my texts. Yet, I did nothing. Probably busy, I thought.

However, the anxiety about this persisted.

So, one night, I asked her best friend for advice. He got straight to the point.

“She’s got no more feelings for you mate.”

I didn’t know what to say. But partly, it was my fault.

The next day, I asked her to talk about it. She agreed. I can’t think of anything to say except,



Never Forget

“If you want to forget someone you love, I’m sorry you will never fully forget. You heart might stop yearning and your dreams no longer be haunted, then one day you might even be convinced you are done with missing and your wounds all healed. But deep down you know you can only wish it was true because if you see them now, if you have a chance, just a chance to love them like you’ve always wanted, you still cannot be sure you would give it up.”

Source: How To Forget Someone You Love via The Tingly Mind

The Walk

Awkward silence,
as we walked out of the field,
trudging up the steps
of the overpass.

Awkward silence,
walking through the night,
each to our own thoughts
as cars passed below.

Awkward silence,
averting each other’s eyes,
wondering, what the other one thinks
as we crossed the avenue.

Awkward silence,
I, savoring this moment,
the two of us
silently beside each other.

Awkward silence,
seconds, then a minute passed,
here I am, wondering if
I could’ve said something great to say.

Awkward silence,
as we climbed down the stairs,
I broke the chain of quietness
muttering an apology

for this moment of
awkward silence,
something thankfully,
I know you’d understand.