Coldplay, In An Examinee’s Sorrow



I saw this question in my feed and I thought how amazing it was to apply Coldplay’s Fix You to console (I presume,) somebody who failed the UPCAT (the entrance examination of the University of the Philippines).

Good one, whoever you are!

If you want more funny Q & A’s (especially if you study or work in UP), follow yupeepls at

And don’t forget, you can also ask me questions at my page.

Q & A: Making Someone Happy (Round 2)

“How can you make someone happy if you aren’t that happy yourself?”

I think that my answer regarding how to make someone happy (knowing what that person wants or likes) still holds.

The question is, would making that someone happy make YOU happy? If yes, then by all means go make that person happy.

Q & A: Grinding Gears

(This one was asked by a friend. I find this an interesting question, so I’ll answer it here.)

“What do I have to do to piss you off?”

You could either do one or all of the following, if you’re the sadistic one:

1. Hit me below the belt. Not literally (though it will hurt like hell and make me Incredible Hulk-mad). What I’m saying here is that doing/saying about anything that is too personal (family, etc.) against me is just too damn much. Especially if it would make things awkward for me.

2. Make me feel frustrated, OR

3. Going over the line when making fun of me or teasing me. A lot of people don’t know when to stop making fun of others. It sure feels good when you do it, but it isn’t anymore when you’re at the receiving end. I experienced this a lot in high school (I wasn’t one of the ‘cool’ kids). Other people could take this well, but not me. Being pummeled by insults almost everyday back then almost depleted my reservoir of patience for such. But I always try to be patient and ignore them. When I do get angry, they’ll tell you, “what a killjoy!”. I then stay silent, but I’m mad as hell in my mind. Maybe I’ll explain it further in a different post.

However, it doesn’t mean that you couldn’t totally make fun of me or whatever. This still depends on my mood at the moment. I could totally ignore it or even play along with it when I’m in the mood to do so.

Also, in my part, I try to be more patient, knowing that people cannot please you all the time. And some people have attitudes that will grind my gears from time to time and I couldn’t change them.

And it’s natural to be angry about things sometimes.

Q & A: Making Someone Happy

“What do you think is the best way to make someone happy?”

Before I answer this one, let me remind you that I’m not an expert. This would be an answer based on my beliefs, experiences and opinions.

Moving on, there’s no thing as a “single best way” that would be applicable to all people. What makes one happy would be considered “meh” by another.

It also depends on whether we’re talking about a specific person or a multitude of people here. For the latter (and sometimes, for the former), being sincerely positive would be enough, I guess.

Now, to make a certain individual happy, I think it all boils down to knowing what that person wants. What does he like? What would make her happy? You might have to do a little bit of research to find out. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or even, a material thing. There are times that little things such as a good conversation, a hug or a sincere smile would do.

In fact, I think those would make someone happier than material things.

Again, This Is A Test

Would it be too cruel for me to wish that I could break some hearts for a change?

The thought of me turning down people who like/love me (if they do exist) crosses my mind every once in a while.

Okay, I know that it’s not fun or it’s something most people don’t like to do. But please, hear me out first.

Being rejected many times has made me wonder what it’s like to turn down people. Perhaps it’s driven by the need to get even.

But hey, I would rather love people than reject them, you know.

Q’s and A’s 2.0

If you had accidentally mixed blue and yellow, what would you call the resulting color, assuming ‘green’ wasn’t in existence yet?
“blellow”. Next!
Would you rather exist forever in the minds of everyone or live forever only to be forgotten?
I would rather be remembered forever in the minds of everyone.

If you were to start a company, what would you call it and what would it do?
It would be called “Keane and Martin”, specializing in military contracts (i.e., tank parts, fighter planes, ammuntions, the like)
What’s the least it would take to render you speechless?
► When the one I adore is in front of me. Mind you, it’s always seen as being snobbish.

Imagine being someone else, browsing through bookstore shelves, when you spot a biography of one Edgar James N. Laron. Would you buy the copy?
Heck yes! It would be like a HP-Sheldon-Legacies mashup.
Suppose you have a son. He tells you that he wants to be exactly like who you are. Would you let him?
► I’ll tell him, “Sure, son. You may go to MaSci and UP. You take up whatever course you think that would bring you to success. But please don’t be a person-stuck-in-the-past like me and be more open to your parents unlike what I did to my parents long ago.” (Man, this brings tears to my eyes.)

What would be the first thing you’d say to your mom if you saw her right now?
Red pill or blue pill? Or would you mash them together and then see what happens?
Hahaha. Something like this.

If you had a superpower, who would you first show it to?
To my father and sister of course.
Would you use a love potion on the love of your life? 
► As much I want to, no. That would count as cheating. I would rather have one achieved through hard work and sacrifices.
Gaping open or locked but pickable?
► Honestly, something gaping open.

What’s the first organ you’d consent to donate?
My kidney? As long as they get it posthumously.
If a poor man steals bread to feed his family, should it be regular white bread or whole grain?
► The most ideal thing for him to do is to NOT steal anything at all. But if he had to, the regular one should be the one. Much easier to repay if he was caught.

An all-access trip to Area 51 or an all-access trip to Apple’s product planning department?
Either of the two, as long as I get a souvenir. 

In 1903, cocaine was removed from the Coca-Cola formula. Would you rather 1903 didn’t happen?
No. Let 1903 happen as planned. If it didn’t, there would be a lot of coke junkies right now. (And 1904-present wouldn’t have happened.)

What would you call an orange if it wasn’t named after the color?
Someone who is annoying?
Wet T-shirts or topless?
Where would you put your first tattoo, assuming full sobriety and complete freedom of choice?
My ankles perhaps.
Say you discovered a new element, what would you name it?
If it was yellowish in color, I would call it “Cheesium”. Else, “Laronium”.
If messages could reach heaven via balloons, what would you put in yours?
A message of thanks for everything that has happened to me: may it be good or bad. And a prayer for strength and guidance.

I would like to thank KP Franco for the questions. They were interesting and challenging. =] 

Signs of Imminent Collapse

Are you preparing for the day of your departure?
Just like a tenant that is leaving his/her apartment, you are slowly packing up your bags and having the furnishings taken out. Of my life.
So that is why you don’t bother to talk to me now. Or at least make a reply. I try to make myself heard, but all you did was giving me the cold, indifferent responses that bar me from entering your domain.
Yet you continue to make posts about being ignored though in reality, you were doing the same thing.
How should I make you feel that I’m here for you? Give you the moon and the stars? Put a bullet in my gut? I just don’t know. You don’t give me neither a nod or a shrug.
I’m not a code-breaker to understand everything subliminal you’re giving out.
Now, when I could have been looking at the future with positive eyes, I am becoming distracted by this thing. The thing that I thought I already prepared myself for.
Did you really love me? Or rather, used me as your band-aid?
I wish I know the answer.

But unfortunately, looking at the way you make things going, you’ll never give me one.