

Losing relevance.
A detail from Questionable Content strip #3255 by Jeph Jacques.


Was there ever a moment in your life that everything was just fading away?

Most of the time it’s terrible to see people or experiences you value the most drift away. Close friends you can rely on, the fun stuff you do with your orgmates/friends–start to change in a way you don’t have control of.

You don’t talk with those people as much you want to. You start noticing that you are losing some control over those relationships. You start to feel that you are slowly going outside your social circle until one day, you find yourself outside, irrelevant to their lives.

It’s perfectly normal to feel angry, frustrated, sad or hurt when these things happen. We all have friends/lovers/groups we used to enjoy being with, but along the way, things started to fall apart until they’re gone.

Yet no amount of anger/sadness/disappointment can change the fact that you can’t control other people’s feelings. You can’t really impose your feelings should they decide to cast you off like you were nothing, despite you valuing them a lot. They have their own issues and desires to deal with, and maybe, having you drift away from them was just part of dealing with Life’s stuff.

Painful it may seems, but important people in our lives come and go, and along the way, you’ll meet some who’ll replace the ones you lost. Or, if Fate permits, they’ll come back. Maybe they’ll not be the same as when they left, but they’re there nonetheless.

It’s just part of life.

I know how difficult it is, but the important thing probably is to just keep living. Be yourself.

For some additional perspectives, see why drifting yourself away is sometimes necessary, and read how can you end up being an outcast.

Not now, but someday


This is a nice way of thinking. There are things that, I admit, can’t handle right now. Like, there are things that are painful to see or hear. Or activities/situations that are hard to handle.

The bottom line is, everything will be all right. Until then, the only thing to do is to get better.

Image source: Questionable Content #2706 by Jeph Jacques