Another Ramble

There has been a lot going on, so much that sometimes I just want to lie down and don’t do anything. Sometimes I just want to shut myself from the world, even for just a while. Sometimes I want to go back to the past, when everything was simpler and better.

Okay, maybe not everything was better. But the past, whether it was great or terrible, it gives me some comfort. It’s a familiar country where I know how things went, how things ended. In a way, it’s stability. It’s nice to look back at things and immerse yourself in the emotions during those things. Almost every memory that I look back is a warm, loving embrace even if some of those then-presents were actual messes.

Even memories of heartbreaks from years past is somehow a lot more palatable than the present.

I admit that my current mental state isn’t that great (given that the current pandemic and other shit aren’t very conducive to my mental well-being). While I know that I can’t really keep myself locked to the past, this is among the few things that help me cope with all the things going around right now.


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