So, here’s what’s going on with me…

*checks last blog post*
*sees “July 30″*

So, I’ve been inactive for nearly 5 months. This is because I just haven’t had the time to do some writing. I don’t think I can write that frequently anymore like when I first started this blog.

One reason is my thesis. I’ve been working on it (though not as much as I should’ve) for the last couple of months. While I haven’t completed it, I’ve made some progress, much more than the previous 2 years combined. Although, since I’ve submitted it quite late, literally at the end of the semester, I don’t know if my adviser would even look at it, since it’s the holiday season where I am. But one can hope for the best.

What worries me though if I can finish it before the new semester starts next year. Would I even be allowed to proceed with the next stage of the thesis before the start of next semester? Will there be any issues I’ll encounter after my adviser goes through my submission? Would my adviser even check it at all? Will it be game over for me? Again, one can only hope for the best.

Fingers crossed, then.

One other reason is my lack of inspiration to write anything. If you had read my previous ramble posts, you would be no stranger to this reason.

I dunno if it’s stress at work/thesis, or simply I just haven’t had the time to explore things and imagine stuff that would lead me to some writing ideas. I miss writing poetry and stories, yet I’m distracted enough that I can’t plan a proper plot or make rhymes. And, (cliche as it may seem) I don’t have any strong feelings for anyone at the moment.

What I’m concentrating though is enjoying things at the moment, whenever I can. Play an online game with a friend, go places (if I can afford to!) with another. Yet I don’t think my social life is enough at the moment *laughs nervously*.

We’ll see if next year (when this blog turns a decade old) will have better things in store for this blog.

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