
The last few months has been quite a rollercoaster for me. Personal struggles and all that. There was a time that I thought of stuff I shouldn’t, and a sense of foreboding kept looming no matter how hard I try to brush it away.

Brush 'em away, son!
Of course this doesn’t literally happen, but you get the picture. (Image source: Questionable Content #2093 by Jeph Jacques)

However, as weird as it seems, I learned that I have better things to worry about. There’s my thesis. Just like that sense of foreboding, it doesn’t go away. Of course, it won’t until I’m done with that.

And so, I’ve moved on (somewhat).

In the end however, there’ll always be things to worry about. So many, that it’s not worth the time to be concerned about them. No matter how hard I try, the following will always be true:

  • I can’t please everybody.
  • I can’t do everything; I’m not superhuman.
  • I’m not perfect, and that’s fine.

So it’s not worth worrying too much about making a screw-up. If I’m worried, that’s okay, I guess. That means there’s something I need to learn or I care enough about something that probably warrants my attention .

Like that thesis. Damn.

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