Q & A: Grinding Gears

(This one was asked by a friend. I find this an interesting question, so I’ll answer it here.)

“What do I have to do to piss you off?”

You could either do one or all of the following, if you’re the sadistic one:

1. Hit me below the belt. Not literally (though it will hurt like hell and make me Incredible Hulk-mad). What I’m saying here is that doing/saying about anything that is too personal (family, etc.) against me is just too damn much. Especially if it would make things awkward for me.

2. Make me feel frustrated, OR

3. Going over the line when making fun of me or teasing me. A lot of people don’t know when to stop making fun of others. It sure feels good when you do it, but it isn’t anymore when you’re at the receiving end. I experienced this a lot in high school (I wasn’t one of the ‘cool’ kids). Other people could take this well, but not me. Being pummeled by insults almost everyday back then almost depleted my reservoir of patience for such. But I always try to be patient and ignore them. When I do get angry, they’ll tell you, “what a killjoy!”. I then stay silent, but I’m mad as hell in my mind. Maybe I’ll explain it further in a different post.

However, it doesn’t mean that you couldn’t totally make fun of me or whatever. This still depends on my mood at the moment. I could totally ignore it or even play along with it when I’m in the mood to do so.

Also, in my part, I try to be more patient, knowing that people cannot please you all the time. And some people have attitudes that will grind my gears from time to time and I couldn’t change them.

And it’s natural to be angry about things sometimes.

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