Q & A: Making Someone Happy

“What do you think is the best way to make someone happy?”

Before I answer this one, let me remind you that I’m not an expert. This would be an answer based on my beliefs, experiences and opinions.

Moving on, there’s no thing as a “single best way” that would be applicable to all people. What makes one happy would be considered “meh” by another.

It also depends on whether we’re talking about a specific person or a multitude of people here. For the latter (and sometimes, for the former), being sincerely positive would be enough, I guess.

Now, to make a certain individual happy, I think it all boils down to knowing what that person wants. What does he like? What would make her happy? You might have to do a little bit of research to find out. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or even, a material thing. There are times that little things such as a good conversation, a hug or a sincere smile would do.

In fact, I think those would make someone happier than material things.

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