Signs of Imminent Collapse

Are you preparing for the day of your departure?
Just like a tenant that is leaving his/her apartment, you are slowly packing up your bags and having the furnishings taken out. Of my life.
So that is why you don’t bother to talk to me now. Or at least make a reply. I try to make myself heard, but all you did was giving me the cold, indifferent responses that bar me from entering your domain.
Yet you continue to make posts about being ignored though in reality, you were doing the same thing.
How should I make you feel that I’m here for you? Give you the moon and the stars? Put a bullet in my gut? I just don’t know. You don’t give me neither a nod or a shrug.
I’m not a code-breaker to understand everything subliminal you’re giving out.
Now, when I could have been looking at the future with positive eyes, I am becoming distracted by this thing. The thing that I thought I already prepared myself for.
Did you really love me? Or rather, used me as your band-aid?
I wish I know the answer.

But unfortunately, looking at the way you make things going, you’ll never give me one.

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